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Colin R. Robins

Associate Professor of Environmental Science

Email: crobins@kecksci.claremont.edu
Office: Keck Science Center 238
Phone: 909-607-7170
Office Hours:
Web Site: https://sites.google.com/view/rocksdirtscience/home

Educational Background

B.A., Macalester College (Geology & Spanish)
M.S., Oregon State University (Soil Science)
Ph.D., University of Nevada Las Vegas (Geoscience)

Courses Taught

  1. EA30L Science and the Environment (w/lab) (EA30L KS is an introduction to environmental science taught every semester by KSD EA faculty. PO students and any CMC, PZ, and SC students with lab-time conflicts should also consider EA30L PO, offered every year)
  2. EA55L Physical Geography & Geomorphology (w/lab) (This is a natural science laboratory course and an introductory Earth science course; field trips are emphasized. My goal in this course is to forever change the way you view our planet.)
  3. EA103(L) Soils & Society (This is an upper-division environmental science and Earth science course with an optional lab section. Everyone should learn about soils, and the ways in which we are utterly dependent upon them!)
  4. PZ FYS 13 Exploring Natural Disasters (Fall 2016; First Year students only).

Research Interests

Rocks. Dirt. Science.

Soils, sediments, and landforms are brilliantly puzzling, complex palimpsests that reflect both ancient and present-day environmental conditions. As a physical geographer, soil scientist, geologist, and environmental scientist, I study the ways in which landscape components record surface, climate, and ecosystem histories at scales ranging from the nanometer to the kilometer. My main research interests include: (1) the study of desert soils and the pursuit of new, quantitative, isotopic measures of arid soil minerals and geomorphic surface ages, (2) paleoenvironmental reconstruction from paleosols; and (3) applications of soil science and geochemistry to challenges in species conservation and/or land management.

For more about what I do, and more on what I expect of prospective research students, please click here.

Thesis Topics

Please click here for student project opportunities.

Broadly, I support research by science students interested in the Earth and Environmental Sciences (Soil Science and Geology), especially: soil genesis, mineral geochemistry, geomorphology/landscape evolution, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. I work with thesis students who have completed at least one semester of introductory earth science (e.g., EA55L KS, GEOL 020 PO), have demonstrated an interest in the physical components of Environmental Systems, and/or who have taken another course in relevant topics with me (EA103, EA30L, etc.).

Selected Publications

  1. Caspi., T., Soto Villa, A.E., Hartz, L.E., Loesberg, J.A., Robins, C.R., and Meyer, W.M. (2019). Impacts of invasive annuals on soil carbon and nitrogen storage in southern California depend on the identity of the invader. Ecology and Evolution 9: 4980–4993.
    Abstract – Non‐native plant invasions can alter nutrient cycling processes and contribute to global climate change. In southern California, California sage scrub (hereafter sage scrub), a native shrub‐dominated habitat type in lowland areas, has decreased to <10% of its original distribution. Postdisturbance type‐conversion to non‐native annual grassland, and increasingly to mustard‐dominated invasive forbland, is a key contributor to sage scrub loss. To better understand how type‐conversion by common invasive annuals impacts carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) storage in surface soils, we examined how the identity of the invader (non‐native grasses, Bromus spp.; and non‐native forbs, Brassica nigra), microbial concentrations, and soil properties interact to influence soil nutrient storage in adjacent native and invasive habitat types at nine sites along a coast to inland gradient. We found that the impact of type‐conversion on nutrient storage was contingent upon the invasive plant type. Sage scrub soils stored more C and N than non‐native grasslands, whereas non‐native forblands had nutrient storage similar to or higher than sage scrub. We calculate that >940 t C km−2 and >60 t N km−2 are lost when sage scrub converts to grass‐dominated habitat, demonstrating that grass invasions are significant regional contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. We found that sites with greater total C and N storage were associated with high cation exchange capacities and bacterial concentrations. Non‐native grassland habitat type was a predictor of lower total C, and soil pH, which was greatest in invasive habitats, was a predictor of lower total N. We demonstrate that modeling regional nutrient storage requires accurate classification of habitat type and fine‐scale quantification of cation exchange capacity, pH, and bacterial abundance. Our results provide evidence that efforts to restore and conserve sage scrub enhance nutrient storage, a key ecosystem service reducing atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
    Article – https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ece3.5104
  2. Del Vecchio, J., Lang, K.A., Robins, C.R., McGuire, C., and Rhodes, E.J. (2018). Storage and weathering of landslide debris in the eastern San Gabriel Mountains, California, USA: implications for mountain solute flux. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (13): 2724-2737.
    Abstract – The weathering of silicate minerals in mountain landscapes provides a critical source of chemical solutes in the global biogeochemical cycles that sustain life on Earth. Observations from across Earth’s surface indicate that the greatest flux of chemical solute is derived from rapidly eroding landscapes, where landsliding often limits the development of a continuous soil cover. In this study, we evaluate how weathering of landslide debris deposits may supplement the chemical solute flux from rapidly eroding, bedrock‐dominated landscapes. We present new measurements of depositional surface and soil morphology, soil geochemistry, and luminescence‐based depositional ages from debris stored in Cow Canyon, a tributary to the East Fork of the San Gabriel River in the eastern San Gabriel Mountains of California. Cow Canyon deposits include locally derived debris emplaced by dry colluvial and debris flow processes. Deposits have planar, low‐angle, sloping surfaces with soils exhibiting a greater degree of weathering than nearby soils formed on bedrock. A ~33–40 ka depositional age of Cow Canyon deposits exceeds the estimated recurrence time for the largest landslides in the San Gabriel Mountains, suggesting the stored landslide debris may be a persistent source of chemical solute in this landscape. To quantitatively explore the significance of landslide debris on the landscape solute flux, we predict the flux of chemical solute from bedrock and debris soils using a generic, time‐dependent model of soil mineral weathering. Our modeling illustrates that debris soils may be a primary source of chemical solute for a narrow range of conditions delimited by the initial landslide debris porosity and the comparative soil age. Broadly, we conclude that while landslide debris may be an important local reservoir of chemical solute, it is unlikely to dominate the long‐term solute flux from rapidly eroding, bedrock‐dominated landscapes.
    Article – https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/esp.4427
  3. Caspi, T., Estrada, L., Dowling, A.V., Su, E., Leshchinskiy, M., Cavalcanti, A.R.O., Crane, E.J., Robins, C.R., Meyer, W.M. III. (2018). Carbon and nitrogen in the topsoils of Inceptisols and Mollisols under native sage scrub and non-native grasslands in southern California. Geoderma Regional 14: e00172.
    Abstract – The weathering of silicate minerals in mountain landscapes provides a critical source of chemical solutes in the global biogeochemical cycles that sustain life on Earth. Observations from across Earth’s surface indicate that the greatest flux of chemical solute is derived from rapidly eroding landscapes, where landsliding often limits the development of a continuous soil cover. In this study, we evaluate how weathering of landslide debris deposits may supplement the chemical solute flux from rapidly eroding, bedrock-dominated landscapes. We present new measurements of depositional surface and soil morphology, soil geochemistry, and luminescence-based depositional ages from debris stored in Cow Canyon, a tributary to the East Fork of the San Gabriel River in the eastern San Gabriel Mountains of California. Cow Canyon deposits include locally derived debris emplaced by dry colluvial and debris flow processes. Deposits have planar, low-angle, sloping surfaces with soils exhibiting a greater degree of weathering than nearby soils formed on bedrock. A ~30-40 ka depositional age of Cow Canyon deposits exceeds the estimated recurrence time for the largest landslides in the San Gabriel Mountains, suggesting the stored landslide debris may be a persistent source of chemical solute in this landscape. To quantitatively explore the significance of landslide debris on the landscape solute flux, we predict the flux of chemical solute from bedrock and debris soils using a generic, time-dependent model of soil mineral weathering. Our modeling illustrates that debris soils may be a primary source of chemical solute for a narrow range of conditions delimited by the initial landslide debris porosity and the comparative soil age. Broadly, we conclude that while landslide debris may be an important local reservoir of chemical solute, it is unlikely to dominate the long-term solute flux from rapidly eroding, bedrock-dominated landscapes.
    Article – https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/esp.4427
  4. Wheeler, M. M., Dipman, M.M., Adams, T.A., Ruina, A.V., Robins, C.R., and Meyer, W.M. III. (2016). Carbon and nitrogen storage in California sage scrub and non-native grassland habitats. Journal of Arid Environments 129: 119-125.
    Abstract – Human activity has altered global carbon and nitrogen cycles, leading to changes in global temperatures and plant communities. Because atmospheric carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations are affected by storage in terrestrial vegetation and soil, it is critical to understand how conversions from native to nonnative vegetation may alter the C and N storage potential of terrestrial landscapes. In this study, we compared C and N storage in native California sage scrub, non-native grassland, and recovering California sage scrub habitats in the spring and fall by determining the C and N content in above ground biomass, litter, and surface soil. Significantly more C and N were stored in intact and recovering California sage scrub than in grassland habitats. Intact and recovering sage scrub did not differ significantly in C or N storage. Our results highlight that preserving and restoring California sage scrub habitat not only provides habitat for native biodiversity, but also increases carbon and nitrogen storage potential even without restoration to intact sage scrub.
    Article – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0140196316300234
  5. Robins, C.R. (2016). Soils, Science, Society, and the Environment. Oxford Research Encyclopedia, Environmental Science: Agriculture and the Environment  Oxford University Press: 41 pages.
    Abstract – Soils are the complex, dynamic, spatially diverse, living, and environmentally sensitive foundations of terrestrial ecosystems as well as human civilizations. The modern, environmental study of soil is a truly young scientific discipline that emerged only in the late 19th century from foundations in agricultural chemistry, land resource mapping, and geology. Today, little more than a century later, soil science is a rigorously interdisciplinary field with a wide range of exciting applications in agronomy, ecology, environmental policy, geology, public health, and many other environmentally relevant disciplines. Soils form slowly, in response to five inter-related factors: climate, organisms, topography, parent material, and time. Consequently, many soils are chemically, biologically, and/or geologically unique. The profound importance of soil, combined with the threats of erosion, urban development, pollution, climate change, and other factors, are now prompting soil scientists to consider the application of endangered species concepts to rare or threatened soil around the world.
    Article – https://oxfordre.com/environmentalscience/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.001.0001/acrefore-9780199389414-e-69?rskey=BDDDND&result=10
  6. Robins, C.R., Deurlington, A., Buck, B.J., and Brock-Hon, A.L. (2015). Micromorphology and formation of pedogenic ooids in calcic soils and petrocalcic horizons. Geoderma 251-252: 10-23.
    Abstract – Ooids, pisoids, nodules, concretions, and a host of other terms are used to describe concentrically-zoned pedogenic carbonate, phyllosilicates, silica, and other minerals in calcic and petrocalcic horizons worldwide. The pedogenic and paleoenvironmental significance of such features is not always easy to interpret because variations in size, structure, composition, and soil-geomorphic context have been used to infer distinct modes of genesis for features that appear similar. Using both optical and scanning electron microscopy, petrocalcic soil samples from the Jornada La Mesa geomorphic surface in New Mexico and the Mormon Mesa geomorphic surface in Nevada were studied to reconsider the formation of pedogenic ooids. In this paper, “ooids” are < 2 mm in diameter and are comprised of concentrically alternating carbonate and fibrous clay laminae. “Pisoids” are > 2 mm in diameter and have a range of internal morphologies. Ooids were especially common within features including clast pendant laminae, pisoids, and laminar horizons or laminar horizon caps. We propose a possible new mode of ooid genesis, suggesting that crystal growth can move ooids tiny, incremental distances over time, and that phyllosilicates are an important genetic component. Ooids are interpreted to form via: (1) mineralization during the evaporation of solutions held by surface tension around mineral grains, clasts, or petrocalcic fragments, with or without the presence of organic matter, (2) hydration and plastic behavior of pervasive, pedogenic, fibrous phyllosilicates that co-precipitate with pedogenic calcite, and (3) tiny, successive movements caused by the crystallization pressure of pedogenic carbonate and other minerals during soil solution evaporation. Spheroidal morphology is initially promoted by chemical precipitation from evaporating solutions around grains. Next, crystallization pressures from the surrounding matrix displace grains non-uniformly, promoting stochastic contacts or ‘knocking’ of ooids against one another and against the soil matrix. Over long time spans, this micrometer-scale, episodic translocation and rotation, in tandem with the plastic behavior of fibrous phyllosilicates, enhances the spherical shape of ooids. The model described here does not preclude possible biological contributions to ooid genesis, nor refute the role of other processes in producing similar features in the same soil. Finally, ooid size is limited by physical and hydrological thresholds. Pisoids, as larger features, are more complex and are more likely to involve erosion; they do not form in the same manner as ooids. This study has implications for paleoenvironmental interpretations of calcic and petrocalcic horizons, and for the selection of pedogenic features for isotopic analysis.
    Article – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0016706115000804
  7. Robins, C.R., Buck, B.J., and Williams, A.J. (2014). Establishing soil and surficial geologic habitat criteria for presumed gypsophiles – the example of Eriogonum corymbosum var. nilesii, Mojave Desert, U.S.A. Catena 118: 9-19.
    Abstract – Detailed soil and surficial geologic data are needed for ecological interpretations, yet are often absent or incomplete in published studies of arid land ecology or biogeography. Clear, edaphic habitat definitions are needed for gypsophilic plants including the Las Vegas buckwheat, E. corymbosum var. nilesii (LVB), a rare shrub endemic to the Mojave Desert. As a case study, we use soil profile data and high resolution (1:3,000 scale) surficial geologic maps to identify likely edaphic controls of LVB habitat, potential habitat, and non-habitat distributions. We confirm gypsiferous substrates lacking hard, physical surface crusts as a boundary condition in most, but not all population clusters, but find that fine-grained, carbonate-rich soil lacking gypsum is also viable habitat, as is shallow (< 1 m) sandy alluvium overlying gypsiferous sediments. Deep (>1 m), coarse-grained alluvium and/or surfaces with tightly interlocking desert pavement exclude LVB. Our results challenge the view of this target species as a true gypsophile, however, it remains unclear whether carbonate-rich habitats represent ideal conditions or refugia. This study underscores the important merits of surficial geologic mapping and soil morphological description for ecological research, conservation, restoration, and land management in arid environments, especially gypsum soils, worldwide.
    Article – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0341816214000435
  8. Robins, C.R., Buck, B.J., Spell, T.L., Soukup, D., and Steinberg, S. (2014). Testing the applicability of vacuum-encapsulated 40Ar/39Ar geochronology to pedogenic palygorskite and sepiolite. Quaternary Geochronology 20: 8-22.
    Abstract – The difficulty of isolating intact, mineralogically pure pedogenic crystals from cemented soil is one of the most significant obstacles to quantifying rates of soil formation, geomorphic processes, and climate change in arid regions. We evaluate the applicability of vacuum encapsulated 40Ar/39Ar geochronology to pedogenic palygorskite and sepiolite extracted from the 4 to 5 Ma, extant Mormon Mesa petrocalcic soil-geomorphic surface of southern Nevada, and from the 780 ka to 2 Ma Jornada Experimental Range La Mesa soil-geomorphic surface near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Selective dissolution of cements using NaOAc and Tiron, accompanied by particle size fractionation, was used to isolate the pedogenic Mg-phyllosilicates. Scanning electron microscopy, inductively-coupled plasma spectrometry, x-ray diffraction, gas chromatograph mass spectrometry, and Ar isotope analysis were used to determine whether extraction impacted palygorskite/sepiolite suitability for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. We found no adverse morphological or mineralogical effects, but meaningful ages could not be obtained due to small amounts of old, detrital phyllosilicates in the samples. While the potential of pedogenic palygorskite and/or sepiolite for geochronology now seems limited, results from this study may prove relevant for samples from other, non-pedogenic surface environments. It is hoped that this work will encourage further research towards successful 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of pedogenic phyllosilicates, as well as inform future geochemical or isotopic studies of individual pedogenic mineral species.
    Article – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1871101413000903
  9. Goossens, D., Buck, B.J, Teng, Y., Robins, C.R., and Goldstein, H. (2014). Effect of sulfate and carbonate minerals on particle size distributions in arid soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal  78(3): 881-893.
    Abstract – Arid soils pose unique problems during measurement and interpretation of particle-size distributions (PSDs) because they often contain high concentrations of water-soluble salts. This study investigates the effects of sulfate and carbonate minerals on grain-size analysis by comparing analyses in water, in which the minerals dissolve, and isopropanol (IPA), in which they do not. The presence of gypsum, in particular, substantially affects particle-size analysis once the concentration of gypsum in the sample exceeds the mineral’s solubility threshold. For smaller concentrations particle-size results are unaffected. This is because at concentrations above the solubility threshold fine particles cement together or bind to coarser particles or aggregates already present in the sample, or soluble mineral coatings enlarge grains. Formation of discrete crystallites exacerbates the problem. When soluble minerals are dissolved the original, insoluble grains will become partly or entirely liberated. Thus, removing soluble minerals will result in an increase in measured fine particles. Distortion of particle-size analysis is larger for sulfate minerals than for carbonate minerals because of the much higher solubility in water of the former. When possible, arid soils should be analyzed using a liquid in which the mineral grains do not dissolve, such as IPA, because the results will more accurately reflect the PSD under most arid soil field conditions. This is especially important when interpreting soil and environmental processes affected by particle size.
    Article – https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.2136/sssaj2013.11.0499
  10. Rogers, R., Krause, D.W., Kast, S.C., Marshall, M.S., Rahantarisoa, L., Robins, C.R., and Sertich, J.J. (2013). A new, richly fossiliferous member comprised of tidal deposits in the Upper Cretaceous Maevarano Formation, northwestern Madagascar. Cretaceous Research  44: 12-29.
    Abstract – A new member of the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Maevarano Formation is proposed to accommodate a distinctive succession of strata exposed along the shores of Lac Kinkony in northwestern Madagascar. The new Lac Kinkony Member overlies fully terrestrial sandstones of the Anembalemba Member of the Maevarano Formation, and is capped by marine dolostones of the Berivotra Formation. In the stratotype section, the base of the Lac Kinkony Member consists of siltstone interbeds that host networks of Ophiomorpha. Siltstone facies pass up-section to distinctive white sandstones packed with dolomitic mud matrix that exhibit rhythmic clay drapes, flaser and wavy bedding, and oppositely-oriented ripples developed on the toes of larger foresets. Thin flat interbeds of microgranular dolostone and claystone comprise the uppermost facies of the Lac Kinkony Member, and a laterally traceable ravinement bed mantled by cobbles of rounded dolostone marks the contact with the superjacent Berivotra Formation. Deposits of the Lac Kinkony Member are interpreted to represent siliciclastic and carbonate tidal flats dissected by tidally-influenced rivers. Vertebrate fossils are abundantly preserved in these coastal deposits, and are locally concentrated in microfossil bonebeds that have potential to yield thousands of small identifiable specimens. In addition to many taxa already known from the Maevarano Formation, the new Lac Kinkony Member has yielded a wealth of phyllodontid albuloid fish skull elements, the distal humerus of a new frog taxon, three vertebrae of a new snake, a tooth of a possible dromaeosaurid, and a complete skull of a new mammal. The discovery of several new vertebrate taxa from this new member reflects the fact that it samples a previously unsampled nearshore, peritidal paleoenvironment in the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar.
    Article – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0195667113000578
  11. Brock-Hon, A.L., Robins, C.R., and Buck, B.J. (2012). Micromorphological investigation of pedogenic barite in Mormon Mesa petrocalcic horizons, Nevada, USA: Implications for genesis. Geoderma 179-180: 1-8.
    Abstract – Barite crystals are identified in stage VI petrocalcic horizons at Mormon Mesa, Nevada. Their presence is significant because barite is not typically associated with arid soil processes. Barite is identified through backscatter SEM/EDS as bright white crystals with EDS peaks of high Ba, S, and O. Barite crystals are euhedral, tabular to acicular crystals ranging in size from 1 to 50 μm in length and 1–20 μm in diameter, and as small (2–4 μm) tabular-ovoid crystals. Forty-one percent of the barite in SEM images is associated with fibers of palygorskite and/or sepiolite. Barite crystals are also associated with linear voids, circular pores, and within micropores between fibers of silicate clays. The formation of barite at Mormon Mesa is attributed to: (i) The dissolution of Ba and SO4 ions from detrital minerals and dust that are flushed into the soil profile and precipitate as barite; and/or (ii) Biomineralization of barite in micro-environments suitable for bacteria or other organisms within the petrocalcic horizon.
    Article – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0016706112000882
  12. Robins, C.R., Brock-Hon, A.L., and Buck, B.J. (2012). Conceptual mineral genesis models for calcic pendants and petrocalcic horizons, NV. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76 (5): 1887-1903.
    Abstract – We use the very old, extant, Stage VI Mormon Mesa petrocalcic soil profile in southern Nevada to: (i) present a conceptual model summarizing known spatial and temporal relationships among authigenic calcite (or low-Mg calcite), palygorskite and/or sepiolite, and amorphous silica and (ii) adapt a second model to describe the occurrence of pedogenic barite and the effect of climate oscillations on soil mineralogy at Mormon Mesa. These conceptual models, one compiled from previous research, one built from new data in this study, directly address the importance of dust to soil genesis, especially the control of salt flux and high pH on Ba, Si, and Al mobility in alkaline soil solutions. Authigenesis of calcite and palygorskite/sepiolite creates positive feedbacks with soil solution chemistry that drives further mineralogical development. We explain the occurrence of pedogenic barite at Mormon Mesa based on higher Ba solubility and translocation into the soil profile with increased concentrations of Cl and Mg in soil solutions during interpluvial climates. Development of integrated, mineral development models illustrates individual system components and/or processes that should be targeted for future chemical, biological, geochronologic, or micromorphological study, and provides a basis for comparison of calcic soil genesis from disparate sites around the world.
    Article – https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.2136/sssaj2012.0073
  13. Robins, C.R., Buck, B.J., Williams, A.J., Morton, J.L., Howell, M.S., Yonovitz, M.L., and House, P.K. (2009). Comparison of flood hazard assessments on desert piedmonts and playas: A case study in Ivanpah Valley, Nevada. Geomorphology 103: 520–532.
    Abstract – Accurate and realistic characterizations of flood hazards on desert piedmonts and playas are increasingly important given the rapid urbanization of arid regions. Flood behavior in arid fluvial systems differs greatly from that of the perennial rivers upon which most conventional flood hazard assessment methods are based. Additionally, hazard assessments may vary widely between studies or even contradict other maps. This study’s chief objective was to compare and evaluate landscape interpretation and hazard assessment between types of maps depicting assessments of flood risk in Ivanpah Valley, NV, as a case study. As a secondary goal, we explain likely causes of discrepancy between data sets to ameliorate confusion for map users. Four maps, including three different flood hazard assessments of Ivanpah Valley, NV, were compared: (i) a regulatory map prepared by FEMA, (ii) a soil survey map prepared by NRCS, (iii) a surficial geologic map, and (iv) a flood hazard map derived from the surficial geologic map, both of which were prepared by NBMG. GIS comparisons revealed that only 3.4% (33.9 km2) of Ivanpah Valley was found to lie within a FEMA floodplain, while the geologic flood hazard map indicated that ~44% of Ivanpah Valley runs some risk of flooding (Fig. 2D). Due to differences in mapping methodology and scale, NRCS data could not be quantitatively compared, and other comparisons were complicated by differences in flood hazard class criteria and terminology between maps. Owing to its scale and scope of attribute data, the surficial geologic map provides the most useful information on flood hazards for land-use planning. This research has implications for future soil geomorphic mapping and flood risk mitigation on desert piedmonts and playas. The Ivanpah Valley study area also includes the location of a planned new international airport, thus this study has immediate implications for urban development and land-use planning near Las Vegas, NV.
    Article – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169555X08003371
  14. Nicholl, M.J., Baron, A.G., Robins, C.R., Boxell, J., and Lin, Y. (2008). Using synthetic data and artificial wells to teach the construction and use of water level contour maps. Journal of Geoscience Education 56 (4): 317-323.
    Abstract – Contour maps that depict groundwater levels (e.g., water table maps and potentiometric surface maps) are essential to the practice of hydrogeology. However, there are significant barriers to effectively teaching students how to create and interpret such maps. Barriers to instruction include the logistics of accessing real wells, assuring that students are provided with a challenging problem, and the lack of a unique solution. We present a new approach that overcomes these barriers through the use of artificial wells and synthetic data. Our approach provides students with a challenging problem that takes them through the whole process, from data collection to interpretation of the resulting maps. In the end, students are able to see how their efforts compare to a known solution, rather than another estimate. Students are also able to choose locations for additional wells that they believe will enhance their ability to create an accurate map. These qualities lead to a substantial improvement in student comprehension over instructional approaches that are based on existing data or limited field measurements.
    Article – https://nagt.org/nagt/jge/index.html